Public Limited Company

Documents Required

Recent Utility Bill

Public Limited Company

Instant Name Application for Company

MCA Name Approval
Name Approval + Incorporation

☑ Instant Filing

☑ 4 Name Choice

☑ Instant Name Filing

☑ 7 Digital Signatures

☑ 3 Directors

☑ Company Registration


Introduction to Public Limited Company

A Public Limited Company in India is a good choice for big businesses. You need at least seven members to start one, but there’s no limit to how many shareholders you can have.This type of company gives you the benefits of being a corporate entity with limited liability. You can list it on the stock exchange to raise money from the public, but you’ll have to follow a lot of government rules.Under the Companies Act, 2013, a Public Limited Company is registered, and its members are protected from personal liability. It can sell shares to the public to raise funds.Even though the rules are strict, setting up a Public Limited Company offers advantages like easy share transfers, just like a Private Limited Company.

Advantages of Public Limited Company

  • Raising Capital: PLCs can raise capital from a large pool of investors by offering shares publicly through stock exchanges. This allows for bigger investments and growth opportunities compared to private companies.
  • Credibility and Trust: Being a publicly listed company enhances your reputation and attracts investors who trust the transparency and regulations associated with PLCs.
  • Limited Liability: Shareholders’ personal assets are generally protected from business debts. This encourages investment and reduces risk for those involved.
  • Separate Legal Entity: The PLC is a separate legal entity from its owners. It can own property, enter contracts, and be held accountable in its own name.
  • Professional Management: PLCs typically have a board of directors with diverse expertise, which can lead to better decision-making and governance.
  • Public Listing: Being listed on a stock exchange brings your company to the attention of a wider audience, potentially increasing brand awareness.
  • Attracting Talent: A public listing can make your company more attractive to skilled professionals seeking career growth and potential stock options.
  • Compliance Requirements: PLCs face stricter regulations and reporting requirements compared to private companies. This can involve more paperwork and audits.
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