Trademark Registration

Documents Required

Incorporation Certificate

Partnership Deed

PAN Card

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Trademark Registration

Trademark search and application filing under one class.


☑ Trademark Filing

☑ 1 Trademark Class

☑ Individuals & MSMEs

☑ Trademark Filing

☑ 1 Trademark Class

☑ Non-MSMEs

Trademark Registration

A trademark is essentially your business’s identity in the marketplace. It’s any distinctive sign or symbol that you use to represent your products or services. This can include your business name, logo, slogan, or even specific colors or sounds associated with your brand.

Advantages of Trademark Registration

  • Brand Recognition: A strong trademark helps customers easily identify and remember your products or services. For example, when they see the iconic swoosh of Nike or the golden arches of McDonald’s, they immediately know what to expect.

  • Differentiation: In a sea of competitors, a trademark sets you apart. It tells customers that your products or services are unique and distinct from others in the market.

  • Trust and Loyalty: Consistency in branding builds trust and loyalty with customers. When they have positive experiences with your trademarked products or services, they’re more likely to become repeat customers and recommend your brand to others.

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